I received my free May juniper box this week which they offered to send free after forgetting the midol packs last month. I was surprised to see the email for mays box the last week of April. Again I have to say I really like the colors they use. I will probably have to put a hold on this box for a few months at least though since it is more expensive then other boxes and I will be having a big surgery hopefully in the next month or two.
Let's get into the goodies:
Tampons, pads and midol- which are the main components of this box but I won't go into those since I would hope you know what they are for.
Clean getaway lip balm- this tin is super cute and it was nice that they included an item that wasn't food. Although this is the third lip balm I've received in the last two weeks and I am still working on my goal of using up my entire honest co lip balm I got in glossybox before I open another one.
GloryBee honey in blackberry, mango, and mint- I think I still have one honey stick left from last months box but two of this months honey flavors sound good to me as well. The only one I won't be using is the mint one since I absolutely can not stand the taste/smell of mint. So that honey stick will go to someone else.
Justin's chocolate hazelnut butter- I have been wanting to try this since I saw it as one of the products people were sent on swaggable but I'd gotten the chai mission which was tasty just not something I'd drink often.
Montmorency dried cherries- these sound really good to me since I do enjoy dried fruit. On a side note last weekend while we were all enjoying my brothers birthday pineapple upside down cake my niece informed us she didn't want the cherry and that though I don't think she'd ever tried one she doesnt like them. So her dad got her to eat one and it turns out she does like cherries.
Snack factory pretzel crisps- these sound very tasty and I like the fact that they are flattened like chips.
Tulsi tea in chamomile, hibiscus and their signature blend- I didn't like last months tea as much as I thought I might so these teas are most likely going to be finding a new home with the two teas from last month I have left and the mint honey stick from the may box.
Though I do like the company and they have great customer service I will have to stop getting this box for a little while. Although if every box keeps having tea and honey I may have to give this box up for good since I'm not a big tea drinker or honey person.
Live. Love. Stay Asp-tastic!